
Dot-Matrix LED

On this page you will find a scrolling LED sign based on the ATtiny2313 AVR microcontroller, which you can build yourself (when finished) Other names for this device can be: Moving message sign, Message crawler, Scrolling message, message display, etc.
The idea is to let a text scroll over the LED dot-matrix displays. A dot-matrix display is a display which contains 5x7 dots (LEDs) in one case, the LEDs are connected like a matrix, there are two types CC and CA, the LEDs are simply put the other way around

Analog inputs for ATtiny26

Study the Analog to Digital capabilities of Atmel ATtiny26. This tiny but mighty IC is really a miracle. One special thing is the internal 10-inputs multiplexed ADC circuit which can covert analog voltages to bytes. This check circuit uses only 3 inputs. Of course you can may changes to use more inputs.

I used the AVRISP in-circuit programmer to program the chip. You can see the connector for this purpose.

The 10uH micro coil is for improving the voltage stability at the ADC section. It is not really needed for 8-bit resolution.

Apply a stabilized voltage of 5Volts dc

Source code, schematic and hex of this project


AVR Programming Software - PonyProg2000

PonyProg200 supports the following AVR Microcontrollers:
  • AT90S1200, AT90S2313, AT90S2323, AT90S2343, AT90S4414, AT90S4434, AT90S8515, AT90S8535
  • AT90S2323, AT90S2343, AT90S2333, AT90S4433, AT90S4434, AT90S8535, AT90S8534
  • ATmega103, ATmega161, ATmega163, ATmega 323, ATmega128, ATmega8, ATmega16, ATmega64, ATmega32, ATmega162, ATmega169, ATmega8515, ATmega8535
  • ATmega44, 88, 168, 164, 324, 644, 640,1280, 1281, 2560, 2561 (untested)
  • AT90can32, 64, and 128 (untested)
  • ATtiny12, ATtiny15, ATtiny26, ATtiny2313
  • ATtiny13, 25, 45, 85, 261, 461, and 861 (untested)